In 2009, Kurt’s parents, Charlotte Drew and Scott Frewing noticed that their oldest son Kurt, then three years old, had modestly delayed physical abilities. After many tests, Kurt was diagnosed with LGMD2C. In 2010, Charlotte and Scott were again deeply impacted when their younger son, Peter was diagnosed with the same disease. The Kurt+Peter Foundation was formed by Kurt’s and Peter’s family and friends to take affirmative action to apply promising research to LGMD2C.
Several techniques that have demonstrated promise for other forms of muscular dystrophy have not previously been applied to LGMD2C because of lack of funding. The Kurt+Peter Foundation is raising funds for this research. Without your support, this research will not proceed. To our knowledge, the Kurt+Peter Foundation is the only entity, nonprofit or otherwise, that is exclusively dedicated to translational research – i.e. focused on moving science from the lab into human clinical trials – for LGMD2C.